Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Habits (The Bad Kind)
Friday, September 9, 2011
Checking In...
It's been a whole month since I've stopped in to say hello, so I thought I'd better at least pop in to let all of my rapt (I'm sure) readers know what I've been up to lately! Summer decided to keep us waiting here in Utah this year, and didn't show up until about the last few weeks in July... So, the last month and a half I have been spending every minute possible outside, soaking up the sunshine, camping, boating, picnicing, hiking, and generally celebrating the warmth, while most of the time forgetting my camera, or leaving it sitting securely in my purse... Clearly, I'm not quite in the takingallofthepicturesIcanformyblog mind set yet! I'm working on it! For now, here a just a few snapshots of what the last month or so has looked like for me (pilfered from my fabulous friends, who always remember their photo-snapping devices!)
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Unwelcome Guests
In other news, Rod and I are most likely sterile after the amount of pesticides I have sprayed in and around our apartment.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Toddlers & Cuticle Scissors Don't Mix
Have you met my grandma? If the answer is yes, then I'm about 99.8956 percent sure that you have heard the following story. If no, then please read on...
I should note that this sortid affair took place when I was at the tender age of 3, and as such, have little to no memory of its occurence. However, after hearing it more times than I have strands of hair, I think I have a pretty firm grasp on the events that transpired (I'm sure that after my grandma reads this though, I will receive her list of corrections)... But where was I..
So, apparently, 3-year-olds don't take as kindly to receiving compliments as adults. I've been told that as a youngster, I was gifted with a freakishly abundant set of dark, long eyelashes. People who met me or passed us (my grandparents and me) on the street would often stop to say how impressive they were. And, as I was being raised to become a respectful, grateful citizen, it was obligatory of me to thank them. I grew tired of this. Obviously, those lashes had to go... I awaited the moment when I could rid myself of them eagerly. I didn't have to wait long. One day, my grandma and I made a visit to her friend's house. The friend happened to be watching her grandchildren that day, and since one of them was several years my elder, they thought it would be alright to leave us alone in the living room for a few minutes while they went to discuss grown-up things. Bad move. The instant they were out of sight, I high-tailed it to the master bedroom to play with the makeup that had been calling to me from the vanity. What I found there instead was far more intriguing: cuticle scissors. You know, the type with the extremely sharp, pointy ends. I don't think I even need to tell you what happened next, but I will... Armed with my 3-year-old know-how, and "I'll show you!" attitude, I unceremoniously snipped every last eyelash down to the root, leaving my lids bald, and me utterly pleased with myself. How I managed to not stab myself in the eyeball remains a mystery. After completing my masterpiece, I emerged from the bedroom and quietly took my seat in front of the t.v. with the other children. No one noticed a thing. Success! Or so I thought. Several hours later, as my grandma sat with me at the piano (she always did this when I practiced... until I was at an older, wiser age where I could be left on my own to practice and not make banging noises on the keys with my fists), I heard a strange noise. Like the largest intake of breath EVER. Followed by my grandma clutching at her chest and babbling incoherently. I was caught.
"WHAT DID YOU DO TO YOUR EYELASHES????" (Yes, there were that many question marks at the end of her sentence).
"Cut 'em off."
"I was tired of people talking about them."
And that was all I had to say about that.
Well, my eyelashes grew back. My grandma was worried that they wouldn't. I think maybe she confused cuticle scissors with laser eyelash removal. Unfortunately, they never grew back as long, or thick as they once were, maybe in protest of my carelessness with their ancestors. Or maybe I'm just getting old. Either way, I would really like to kick 3-year-old me's butt.
I just can't stay mad at that face though. It's so much cuter than mine.
This is them in 1970... I love my grandma's beehive.. Wasn't she foxy? And my grandpa, looking (as my grandma would say) sharp in polyester...
And this is the house I grew up in. I know, I had it rough.
Thanks, Dumbledore
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
As Old As Me...
I'm 9 months older than Rod, and he LOVES to rub it in, old people jokes and all... But on his birthday, and for the next 3 months, he is just as old as I am! And I take full pleasure in rubbing that in! (Right back atcha Babe!!) Today, I want to share just a few of the reasons why I love this cute boy...
- He can ALWAYS make me laugh, even when I'm in the worst mood and (in my grandma's words) in need of an attitude adjustment!
- He makes me feel safe.
- He tells me I'm beautiful, even on my most unbeautiful days.
- He is a great son/grandson/nephew/brother/cousin...He is amazing with his family, and just watching him with them I know that he'll be a great husband and father too!
- He is a very hard worker, and he is very good at what he does!
- He loves to cook, and he is great at it! (and on the rare occasion that I get home after he does, he loves to surprise me with dinner!)
-He is very smart!
-He takes such good care of me! He is always willing to listen to me, always asks how my day went, and always takes care of the things I detest doing -vacuuming, taking my car to the shop, killing bugs, etc...
-He is a great friend, and my BEST friend!
There are many more, but for now I'll just say...Happy Birthday Babe! I hope your day is wonderful! I'm so very glad you were born! Thanks for letting me be your girl! XoXo
Splendid Summer
For the 4th of July, Rod and I went to the Riverton Carnival with our good friends the Frehners- Jake/Courtney, and the Necaises -Cary/Chelsey/Baby Daxton. We didn't go on any rides, but we did enjoy the greasy goodness of carnival food, and we watched the fireworks!
The Girls
Daxton's First Fireworks!
Rod & I
Country Girls
Kenny Rocking The Stage
Thanks for a super fun night girls!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Dates, Colors, & Inspirational Indecisiveness
Over the weekend, Rod and I sat down and settled on a date for our wedding -
June 30, 2012
will be the big day!
Let the (real) planning begin!
I have to make a lot of decisions, and if you know me at all, you'll know that decision-making is definitely not one of my strong suits! As astrology will tell you, Libras (my zodiac sign) are known for their indecisiveness... I've never put much stock into the whole astrological business, but when it comes to that facet of it, they nailed me right on the head... Anyway, I've been trying to decide on color schemes... I've probably gone through about 30. I think I've finally settled on one, but who knows, it could change again! For now though, my colors are - Black, Ivory, Green, & Burnt Orange just for the flowers (here it looks more red, but you get the idea)... I think I want to do a woodsy theme, using tree branches and greenery in the decorations...
I have a lot of spare time on my hands while I'm at work, because I sit at a desk and type all day... Boring. So, every once in a while (every day) I take advantage of the internet and all of its wonders! Usually I read the news, other blogs, catch up on facebook, and occasionally do some online shopping, but more recently my focus has shifted to wedding-themed sites. (Okay, I've been looking at them for years...But now it's for real!) The Knot is one of my favorites, and they have a feature that lets you build an "Inspiration Board" to put together ideas of what you want your wedding to look like... So, on one of my exceptionally bored days, I whipped one up just to get the "idea" ball rolling...
The pictures are kind of hard to see, but that's what I have in mind so far! We'll see how many times I change my mind in the next few months.... :)
Friday, July 1, 2011
Freedom - It's a Wonderful Thing!
I am so proud to live in this beautiful country where we have the freedom to do/say/think/feel whatever we choose, and I am so thankful for the people who are willing to sacrifice their time/efforts/lives to make sure that we continue to have that freedom. Thank you, thank you, to all of the people serving our country, who have to spend time away from their friends and families so that we can be with ours...
A special thank you to my "little" brother Aaron, and my sister-in-law Marci! Aaron is in the army special forces - That's right, my little brother is a Green Beret, how cool is that?! And Marci is a medic, jumps out of planes, and pretty much kicks some serious bum! She is one tough chica and I definitely would not want to be in a boxing match with her!
Monday, June 27, 2011
A Tale of Two Boobies
Yikes, right?!?!
All Grown Up
He did a good job, don't you think?!
I am so excited and I feel so lucky to have found such an awesome guy, who has also become my best friend! We haven't decided on an exact date yet, but we are thinking about a Saturday next June, so I am just in the beginning stages of wedding planning...I'm going to try my very hardest not to become a crazy person like the bridezillas on reality tv whom I would love to slap in the face! At this point, it's still a bit surreal to me - I've been planning my "wedding" since I was a teenager, but to be planning the actual event makes me feel like I've finally become a grown up, and I'm inching ever closer to the marriage/mommy line!
Anyway, I'm sure there will be several, (if not many) more posts about the nuptial planning as it gets underway, so please stay tuned!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Back In The Blog Saddle...
So, here's hoping that blog #2 will stick around for awhile!