Sunday, July 31, 2011

Unwelcome Guests

Yesterday I had a near-death experience.

I had just finished the teeth-brushing/face-washing combo, and I leaned down to dry off on my towel, and came eye-to-eye with... an earwig. AN EARWIG!! I'm pretty sure my heart stopped beating for about 15 seconds. Until my blood-curdling scream, arm waving and repeated jumping up and down revived it. Seriously though, could there be a more disgusting insect to invade my morning routine? And I know the whole "crawling in your ear and laying eggs" story is a myth, but don't think I haven't been thinking about that and violently convulsing ever since! And I haven't been able to step foot in my bathroom without checking every surface and crevice before using the facilities. Honestly, I think I would have preferred a mouse sighting. Yes, I know, they are equally creepy when you catch them darting across the room out of the corner of your eye, and I know they carry multiple diseases, but at least they have the decency to do it in a semi-cute package! (Nasty, weird-looking tails excluded).

At any rate, I have since been reinforcing my anti-insect battle stations in the hopes that any future multi-appendaged creatures seeking shelter at my residence will know that they are, in fact, unwelcome guests, and to vacate the premises as quickly as possible... Or else.

In other news, Rod and I are most likely sterile after the amount of pesticides I have sprayed in and around our apartment.

1 comment:

  1. Ummm remember my experience when one was crawling on my BED and then crawled in my EAR while I was asleep?? Yes that really happened to me and I seen on in my room the other night have since sprayed my entire house twice so that I never have to see another for the duration of summer. I knew there was a reason we were friends. You do bug inspections too. LOL Love ya girl
