My grandma Millie, (who I grew up with - more on that later) was well aware of this fact, so one day, just before my 21st birthday, I got a call from her asking if I would like an upgrade for a birthday present! What girl could resist?! I of course said yes quite enthusiastically, and only 3 weeks later I no longer needed to stuff my bra with Kleenex...
Well, everything was great for a while. But, as time and gravity continued to do their jobs (a bit over-zealously I might add), and my metabolism pretty much abandoned his post, my two girls began a sad journey which left me looking like something out of a National Geographic magazine. You know, the lady from one of those New Guinean villages-where the women are all topless-who nurses all of the village children... Needless to say, this was not the look I was aiming for -->

Yikes, right?!?!

Yikes, right?!?!
So, 2 weeks ago, after 8 years together, my salene friends and I had a parting of the ways... And I am more than happy to be back to my old, flat-chested self!! I haven't taken any pictures yet, so for now, just trust me when I say that I am no longer eligible for a photo-op in any magazine article on third-world countries! What a relief! Now, if I could just find a way to get my 21-year-old metabolism to come back...